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Carr's Glen Primary School and Nursery, 629 Oldpark Rd, Belfast

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2022/2023 School Year

18th Nov 2022
Miss Rea’s class were thinking about how they could “Reach Out”...
17th Nov 2022
We have been learning about which 2D shapes tessellate and which do not. We used...
17th Nov 2022
Year 5 enjoy playing outside with PE equipment at break time.  We love playing...
17th Nov 2022
Today the Year 3s ran like crazy playing Stuck in the Mud. They had so much fun...
16th Nov 2022
This year’s theme is ‘Reach Out’. We discussed who we can reach...
15th Nov 2022
A happy bunch of art clubbers with their finished display! Ready for Group 2 to...
10th Nov 2022
We would like to welcome you to our Primary and Nursery School Open Day. If...
10th Nov 2022
The Year 3s had a fantastic time playing Simon Says and Play Tag with Coach Patrick...