Extra-Curricular Activities

The School offers a wide range of after-school activities, some of them funded under the Extended Schools Programme. It is our belief that these activities give opportunities for children to broaden their experiences and skills as well as provide additional services for parents.
Activities may vary slightly from year to year, depending on the availability of staff but the following are a list of the type of activities that are offered by the school to pupils.
Our After Schools Club gives provision for parents who have children in Year 1 and also in the upper school who are collected at differing times. This provides in-school activities so parents only have one journey to make and is covered by a minimal cost of £1.50.
In addition to our usual provision we have also introduced a counselling element through a local counselling service, ‘Jigsaw!’ This allows pupils (and parents) to access an independent listening ear through Helen.
After Schools Clubs: Breakfast Club, Book club, Tech Minions, Counselling, Express yourself, Football, Lego Club, Monkeynastics, 2-3 club, Sonal Sports and Outdoor Learning Club.
Carr's Glen Primary and Nursery School, 629 Oldpark Rd, Belfast BT14 6QX Phone: 028 9039 1286